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About the Bank

About the Bank

Garant-Invest Commercial Bank (JSC) is a commercial bank operating since 1993.

The Bank's priority area is private corporate and retail banking. Garant-Invest Commercial Bank develops multilateral partnership with clients who appreciate reliability, steadiness, and efficiency. The Bank is a member of the Association of Russian Banks, the Deposit Insurance Scheme, the self-regulatory organisation National Association of Securities Market Participants (NAUFOR); it has been several times granted prestigious awards for banking excellence, particularly, three times – the National Banking Award.

Garant-Invest Commercial Bank is a member of the following associations and unions:

  • a member of the Association of Russian Banks (ARB);

  • a member of Public Joint-Stock Company Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS (Moscow Exchange);

  • an associate member of the VISA International Payment System;

  • an affiliate member of the MasterCard Worldwide International Payment System;

  • a member of the National Association of Securities Market Participants (NAUFOR);

  • a member of the MIR National Payment System;

  • a member of S.W.I.F.T. and the ROSSWIFT Russian National Association.


Garant-Invest Commercial Bank (JSC) is part of the Garant-Invest Group (